Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Highlights of January

Darwin got a hammock this month and now sleeps in it every night.  No more than 10 minutes after the lights go out, he crawls up into his hammock and calls it a night.  He also seems to like to spend a fair amount of time basking during the day in it as well!

In gecko news:  We are down to having only three babies left in the nursery tank!  Hilo and Igor were born in late December and will graduate, along with Delta who is still living in the nursery due to her tiny size (she is about a month older than Hilo and Igor, and they have already outpaced her in size), up to the big tank in the next week or two.

Here in this fuzzy pic (sorry), Hilo and Igor take great interest in the worm dish, while Delta sits in the background... She appears to be looking on, but we're not sure how much vision she actually has now that her deformed eyelids have actually started to open revealing that she actually does have eyes afterall.  Still, her eyelids cannot open all the way, and one eye seems somewhat laborious for the little gecko to keep open.

And meanwhile in the big tank the newest arrivals, Echo, Foxtrot, and Gamma seem to be sticking together like glue:


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