Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Well, four months almost to the day since Rex first escaped his tank and went missing somewhere in our apartment, the little effer is alive and home!  John found him yesterday while grabbing some video games for the kids to bring to their grandparents place... Rex was just chillin' on top of the games and took off like a shot when he was discovered.  It took John twenty minutes to pull the whole entertainment unit apart chasing Rex, who finally hid himself in the back amongst the jungle-like tangle of wires and cables... But he didn't hide well enough and John caught him. 

Now, unfortunately we don't have a tank set up specifically for Rex and since his disappearance things have changed.  We can't put him back in the tank that he was in when he went missing because that tank now houses Buddy (Rex's mate), and 7 of Rex's daughters who are now reaching sexual maturity.  Yes, you can mate offspring with their parents in the lizard world, but the idea creeps me out and we are not going to let it happen.  The only other tank that we currently have set up is Delta's tank, so poor little half-blind Delta now has to share her wee little space with her daddy.  She's quite dwarfed and we're pretty sure that Rex wouldn't try to mate with her and even if he did she likely wont be capable of getting pregnant.  I'm hoping that within a week or two we'll be able to set up our last tank which currently sits empty so we can give little Delta back her space.  It just needs a heat lamp and some furniture and it's good to go.  We shall see.  Maybe we'll even set it up as a little love nest for Buddy and Rex and start another round of breeding!  Of course, we have to fatten him up first because he's lost a lot of weight in the four months that he was missing.  I'm pretty sure Buddy would just kick his ass if he came a knockin' right now!


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