Friday, June 18, 2010

The Dragon and the Mouse

**EDIT** since I posted this blog several months ago I have been informed by a seasoned bearded dragon breeder that mice, even pinkies, are not a good idea to feed to beardies as they can cause liver problems.  I have stopped given darwin mice and he is back on a diet of insects and salad.  If you do wish to feed your dragon pinkies, I don't personally think that one every now and then is such a bad thing.  Just avoid making this your dragons primary source of protein.

I also forgot to mention that Darwin's been eating hoppers lately (baby mice).  Normally he's quite happy to gobble down the delightful little morsels, but this one little mouse must have been special because Darwin didn't eat him... In fact, Darwin sheltered him for a little nap!  Days went by and I kept offering the hopper to Darwin, and Darwin just kept letting the little bugger crawl all over him.  After a while the mouse just died from improper housing (I try to feed them and whatnot but I really don't have a proper set-up).  The next hopper I put in the tank was gobbled down without reservation.  Hmmmmm....


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