Monday, December 21, 2009

Pic of the Week

Alpha's always trying to get at Darwin when he's out and about the living room.  I guess she's jealous of his freedom... Then again, last time Darwin walked up to the glass to have a look at this little creature that tries to dig through the glass to get at him, Alpha actually leaped at him, startling him to leap back.  Thank goodenss there was glass in between.  She's either really brave, or really stupid... My vote's for stupid, LOL.  She's her daddy's girl, and as much as I love Rex (and still miss him as he's not been found yet), he was always a little light in the brains category.

Alpha!  Point to remember:  Darwin could eat you!  Silly lizard.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Dragon and the Christmas Tree

Darwin seems to have a little bit of a facsination with our Christmas tree.  It's pretty cute, actually :)

Now for an update on Rex:  We still haven't found him.  Nine days missing, but there is hope... My friend's gecko went missing for six months in a small apartment and was still alive when they finally found him.  I'm crossing my fingers for Rexxor.


Sunday, December 6, 2009

All I Want For Christmas...

Is to have my baby boy home safe.  One week has gone by and we have not seen hide nor poop of rex.  When he first went missing, we found three poops behind his tank.  We assume that at least one of them may be from the first time he got out.  Anyway, in our search we've been looking for poop hoping that it could give us some indication of the general area Rexxie may be hiding in.  Unfortunately, we've turned up nothing.  We've moved all the furniture and turned everything upside down.  I can't imagine how he could get out of the apartment... There are no vents or open doors.  My mind has jumped to a million and one horrible conclusions, and two nights ago I broke down and sobbed for a good hour while I did dishes.

I just can't bear the thought that he might be trapped or injured somewhere, and dying a slow death waiting for someone to find him and rescue him.  Not knowing where he is or what has become of him is eating me away inside and now my mind wanders to the most horrible scenarios, like, what if he got into the garbage and accidentally got thrown out?  Oh god... I can't think about throwing him out... It's just so horrible and unjust for an innocent creature who had no other option but to trust it's well-being in your hands.

My heart is broken.  I want Rex back so badly I don't know what to do.

This one is Rex sleeping in his water dish with his arms and legs hanging over the sides.  It was taken with a cell phone so it's not great quality, but it was a damn cute moment :)

I'm still holding out hope for you, honey.  I "accidentally" let a cricket or two escape every so often... Come home baby boy.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Oh Rexxor, Where Art Thou?

We've had to change the configuration of our living room in order to better accomodate our tanks, but it comes a day too late.

You see, the way the tanks were before, the one on the bottom shelf couldn't have a screen on top.  Initially that was Darwin's tank, but after he escaped once we decided that maybe it would be a better idea to put Darwin on top where he could have a screen because he's bigger, a better climber and a better leaper and the geckos never leap or climb very high. 

Then came the day that Rex escaped and Darwin found him.  That made us realize that both tanks were going to have to have screens, which meant we were going to have to move some things around.  The plan was to move it all when I got home from work last night... which we did, but unfortunately Rex had already disappeared again sometime yesterday before we got a chance to do our thing. 

We have turned our apartment upside down looking for him, and we can't find him anywhere.  I'm so worried about the little guy and so afraid that he's going to get hurt or get into something where he's going to accidentally get crushed.  We are going to continue looking, and going over all the same places we've already gone over, so hopefully at some point he's going to show up somewhere.  I just hope we find him while he's still alive...

Poor Rex :'(  Come home, sweetie pie.
