Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Oh Rexxor, Where Art Thou?

We've had to change the configuration of our living room in order to better accomodate our tanks, but it comes a day too late.

You see, the way the tanks were before, the one on the bottom shelf couldn't have a screen on top.  Initially that was Darwin's tank, but after he escaped once we decided that maybe it would be a better idea to put Darwin on top where he could have a screen because he's bigger, a better climber and a better leaper and the geckos never leap or climb very high. 

Then came the day that Rex escaped and Darwin found him.  That made us realize that both tanks were going to have to have screens, which meant we were going to have to move some things around.  The plan was to move it all when I got home from work last night... which we did, but unfortunately Rex had already disappeared again sometime yesterday before we got a chance to do our thing. 

We have turned our apartment upside down looking for him, and we can't find him anywhere.  I'm so worried about the little guy and so afraid that he's going to get hurt or get into something where he's going to accidentally get crushed.  We are going to continue looking, and going over all the same places we've already gone over, so hopefully at some point he's going to show up somewhere.  I just hope we find him while he's still alive...

Poor Rex :'(  Come home, sweetie pie.


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