Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cricket Concern

(--> Darwin on John's lap)

So, having so many little reptilian mouths to feed has started to become a problem. I buy 50 large crickets, 50 small crickets, and a bunch of superworms... and two days later, all I have left are the superworms! They would last longer, mind you, if so many bloody crickets didn't up and croke on me. What the hell. They get gutload, fruit, veggies and Cricket Drink, so why are they dying so fast? The only thing I can think of is that they're kept on the shelf above the terrarium and it's quite warm up there. I think I'll try storing them somewhere cooler next time I can get out to get some, but until then what do I do about feeding Darwin? Rex and Buddy are full grown and don't need to eat daily, and the babies have the pinheads which are too small for Darwin. What about Darwin?

At 7 months old, Darwin should eat crickets daily. Today he's had two superworms and one cricket (that I stole out of Rex and Buddy's tank... tee hee), and then just his salad. I did give him a little piece of tuna, but he wasn't up for any more of that. I've never read anywhere that tuna is a good thing for beardies, but Cameron said he gives it to his beardies and he's been raising them for years so what the heck? I'm still worried, though, and can't get out to get him crickets until tomorrow afternoon at the soonest. My poor baby's gonna starve for a day, I guess... I just hope it doesn't do him any damage and that this "running out of crickets" thing doesn't happen on any kind of ongoing basis.

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