Monday, October 19, 2009


Darwin is finally moving forward on his shed today. He shed his head about three days ago, and hasn't shed anything since. I tried giving him a little bath to help him along the other night, but he was not down with that at all.

You can see in this pic that his tail still needs to shed, and is a little peeley at the base. His body was all peeley this morning, so I took him out and gently helped him along. I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing to help your beardie shed, but I've seen Cameron gently peel back shed on various lizards at the store, so I imagine it's not such a big deal. I'm going to leave his tail alone, though, cuz it doesn't look as loose as his body skin was and it's not uncommon for a bearded dragon to shed in stages. His tail might not be ready to shed for another couple of days.

I can't wait until my baby is all growed up!

1 comment:

  1. okay... now that I look at it, you really can't see that his tail is still peeley looking. Just trust me on it, okay? :D
