Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A New Arrival!

Well, thank goodness all the eggs aren't going bad now!  After Alpha and Beta hatched, the weather changed and the climate control in our building changed, and we really started having a hard time regulating the temperature and humidity in the incubator.  Our solution was to poke extra holes all around the sides of the tupperware container that the eggs are in, as well as opening the lid and fanning the bed of moist coconut husk once a day.  It seems to have paid off, because after losing three eggs, Charlie has hatched! 

(Beta on the left, Charlie on the right.  The pic doesn't do the size difference justice, but I don't like taking too much flash photography of the little ones so this will have to do.)

I knew that Alpha and Beta have grown over their five weeks of life, but I had no idea how much until I saw how tiny and wobbly Charlie is.  She's much too small to be put in with her sisters, so we've partitioned off their tank so Charlie can live on one side, and the other two on the other side.  Unfortunately, Charlie's twin egg is one of the ones that died, so she wont have company the same age as her like her sisters do.  Hopefully, the next two eggs hatch soon so there isn't too much size difference between them and Charlie and they can go in the same tank with her.

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