Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Check your UVB light!

So, I've been concerned about Darwin's health because I'm a paranoid momma and take every little thing as a possible sign of illness.  Certain behaviours that have had me concerned are his tendency to "flex" his fingers upward while his palm is resting on the ground, and the fact that his hands often twitch while doing this.  I still haven't found anything to tell me this is normal, but have learned that it's possible he's either not getting enough calcium or he's not getting enough UVB light which is essential to digesting calcium.

I know Darwin gets enough calcium and nutrition.  I give him greens, gutload his crickets and give him supplements by the book... so I thought, maybe it's the light?  His UVB light is balanced across one corner of his tank because he doesn't have a screen for it to rest on.  I was sure this set-up was still adequate, but decided to have a look and see if there was a way I could optimize it.  This is when I realized that there was a glass slide-in lense in his light fixture!  Glass filters out UVB rays, so it looks like he really wasn't getting enough UVB rays... None at all, actually!

I hope that now that I've taken this slide out of his light fixture he'll be okay.  Going to a vet is not an option right now so all I can do is keep an eye on him and keep my fingers crossed.

He's still quite energetic and has a decent appetite, so I think he'll be fine.  Mind you, yesterday and today he hasn't seemed that interested in his crickets... but he's also actively shedding so maybe that's why.  It sucks that he's not eating his crickets today, because that means that I'm gonna have to go in there and hunt them down and get them out of his tank before bed-time tonight.  Booo.


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