Thursday, November 12, 2009

This Week in the Lizard Household

We've had two more leo eggs hatch, yay! Delta hatched on the 10th and Echo on the 11th, and they're now happily sharing the nursery tank with Charlie. I don't have any pics of the new ones yet because the tank needs to be cleaned tomorrow, so I'll take pics after that.

Alpha and Beta have now moved in with their mommy in the big tank, and the side that was originally portioned off for them now houses Rex because we don't want him to continue getting Buddy pregnant, and he seemed miserable on the other side of the nursery tank. Besides, with all the eggs we've got on the go we needed all the space in the nursery for new hatchlings.

Although geckos aren't supposed to have any maternal instinct or famillial recognition, Buddy has behaved nothing but protective of Alpha and Beta since they moved in. Buddy will even get in the way between us and them if we're reaching in to take one of them out... Explain that one!

Here are a couple pics of Buddy holding vigil over Beta as she takes a nap in the sand:

And to finish things off I'll leave you with my favourite pic of Darwin this week, being all majestic :)

later bitches


PS... I almost forgot the absolute lizardy highlight of my week!  Tonight I took Darwin out of his tank just before his bedtime, and he snuggled down into the crook of my elbow in the folds of my big comfy sweatshirt, and snoozed off.  Aaaaawwwwww.... My wittle baby <3  lol

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