Friday, November 27, 2009

Darwin Rescues Rex

Okay, in all honesty Darwin didn't really rescue Rex, and in fact if he'd been given the opportunity I'm sure he probably would have fought that little leopard gecko to the death.  But the fact remains that if Darwin hadn't been roaming around the living room, Rex might be dead.

Most evenings I let Darwin out to run around a little bit, to get some exercise and at the same time give me some amusement.  Well, the other night I had Darwin out and was sitting on the floor about to go pick him up when I noticed he was looking very intently towards the couch.  I followed his gaze to see Rex creeping out from under the couch, slowly coming forward to see who or what Darwin was!  Of course my reaction scared both lizards, "WHAT THE HELL?!  REX IS OUT!!", and Rex went running back under the couch.  I grabbed Darwin and put him back in his tank, then we had to lift the couch to get Rex back.  We have no idea how long Rex had been out, but the balcony door was open so it was very cold on the floor.  We might not have noticed him missing until the next day... or even the day after... at which point he may well have been dead.

Perhaps we should re-name Rex 'Houdini'


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